Gold Medal Software 3
Gold Medal Software - Volume 3 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
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Text File
736 lines
Begin Form fGridFrm
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
ClientHeight = 3105
ClientLeft = 930
ClientTop = 3585
ClientWidth = 6690
Height = 3570
Icon = DYNAGRID.FRX:0000
Left = 840
LinkTopic = "Form1"
MDIChild = -1 'True
ScaleHeight = 3096
ScaleMode = 0 'User
ScaleWidth = 6708
Tag = "Dynaset"
Top = 3210
Width = 6870
Begin Grid cGrid
FixedCols = 0
FixedRows = 0
Height = 2412
Left = 0
TabIndex = 0
Top = 480
Width = 6732
Begin PictureBox ViewButtons
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
BorderStyle = 0 'None
Height = 375
Left = 0
ScaleHeight = 372
ScaleMode = 0 'User
ScaleWidth = 5171.607
TabIndex = 1
Top = 24
Width = 5175
Begin CommandButton SortButton
Caption = "&Sort"
Height = 372
Left = 3720
TabIndex = 9
Top = 0
Width = 612
Begin CommandButton FilterButton
Caption = "Fil&ter"
Height = 372
Left = 3120
TabIndex = 8
Top = 0
Width = 612
Begin CommandButton RefreshButton
Caption = "&Redo"
Height = 372
Left = 2520
TabIndex = 7
Top = 0
Width = 612
Begin CommandButton CloseButton
Cancel = -1 'True
Caption = "&Close"
Height = 372
Left = 4320
TabIndex = 6
Top = 0
Width = 612
Begin CommandButton MoreButton
Caption = "&More"
Height = 372
Left = 1320
TabIndex = 5
Top = 0
Width = 612
Begin CommandButton NextButton
Caption = "&Next"
Height = 372
Left = 120
TabIndex = 4
Top = 0
Width = 612
Begin CommandButton FirstButton
Caption = "&First"
Height = 372
Left = 720
TabIndex = 3
Top = 0
Width = 612
Begin CommandButton FindButton
Caption = "F&ind"
Height = 372
Left = 1920
TabIndex = 2
Top = 0
Width = 612
Option Explicit
'form variables
'Dim FDS As dynaset 'current form's dynaset
Dim FDS As snapshot 'current form's snapshot
Dim FDynSt As String 'dynaset open string
Dim FTblName As String 'form dynaset table name
Dim FCurrentRow As Long 'current row in dynaset
Dim FGridRow As Integer 'current grid row
Dim FNotFound As Integer 'find not found flag
Dim FFindForm As New fFind 'find form
Dim FNumbRows As Long 'total number of rows in table
Dim FDynaString As String 'dynaset open string
Sub cGrid_DblClick ()
Dim r As Integer 'return from execute sql
Dim fn As String 'field name
On Error GoTo ZoomErr
r = cGrid.Row
cGrid.Row = 0
'get field name
fn = cGrid.Text
cGrid.Row = r
'make sure it's a string or memo field
If FDS(fn).Type = FT_STRING Or FDS(fn).Type = FT_MEMO Then
gstZoomData = cGrid.Text
fZoom.Caption = fn
fZoom.Top = Top + 1200
fZoom.Left = Left + 250
fZoom.CloseZoomButton.Visible = True
fZoom.Show MODAL
End If
GoTo ZoomEnd
Resume ZoomEnd
End Sub
Sub cGrid_KeyUp (KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
'zoom on F4 key press
If KeyCode = &H73 Then 'F4
End If
End Sub
Sub CloseButton_Click ()
Unload Me
End Sub
Sub FilterButton_Click ()
On Error GoTo FilterErr
' Dim ds1 As dynaset, ds2 As dynaset
Dim ds1 As snapshot, ds2 As snapshot
Dim numbrows As Long 'local number of rows
Set ds1 = FDS 'save the dynaset
Dim i As Integer, r As Integer, c As Integer
'On Error GoTo FindErr
'load the column names into the filter form
'the 1st time it is loaded
If fFilter.cFieldList.ListCount = 0 Then
r = cGrid.Row
c = cGrid.Col
cGrid.Row = 0
cGrid.Col = 0
For i = 1 To cGrid.Cols - 1
cGrid.Col = cGrid.Col + 1
fFilter.cFieldList.AddItem cGrid.Text
cGrid.Row = r
cGrid.Col = c
End If
MsgBar "Enter Search Parameters", False
fFilter.Show MODAL
'FilterStr = InputBox("Enter Filter Expression:")
If FilterStr = "" Then Exit Sub
FDS.Filter = FilterStr
' Set ds2 = FDS.CreateDynaset() 'establish the filter
Set ds2 = FDS.CreateSnapshot() 'establish the filter
Set FDS = ds2 'assign back to original dynaset object
'everything must be okay so redisplay form on 1st record
FNumbRows = GetNumbRecsSS(FDS) 'query numb of recs
If FNumbRows = -1 Then
'error occurred but go on anyway
'because row count is non-critical
Caption = "Dynaset: " + FTblName
numbrows = gwMaxGridRows
FCurrentRow = numbrows
ElseIf FNumbRows = 0 Then
MsgBox "No Records found!", 48
ResetMouse Me
Unload Me
Exit Sub
ElseIf FNumbRows > gwMaxGridRows Then
Caption = "Dynaset: " + FTblName + " [" + CStr(FNumbRows) + " total rows]"
numbrows = gwMaxGridRows
FCurrentRow = numbrows
numbrows = FNumbRows
Caption = "Dynaset: " + FTblName + " [" + CStr(FNumbRows) + " rows]"
End If
If LoadGrid(cGrid, FDS, FDynSt, numbrows, 0) = False Then
Unload Me
Exit Sub
End If
GoTo FilterEnd
Set FDS = ds1 're-assign back to original
Resume FilterEnd
End Sub
Sub FindButton_Click ()
Dim i As Integer, r As Integer, c As Integer
On Error GoTo FindErr
'load the column names into the find form
'the 1st time it is loaded
If FFindForm.cFieldList.ListCount = 0 Then
r = cGrid.Row
c = cGrid.Col
cGrid.Row = 0
cGrid.Col = 0
For i = 1 To cGrid.Cols - 1
cGrid.Col = cGrid.Col + 1
FFindForm.cFieldList.AddItem cGrid.Text
cGrid.Row = r
cGrid.Col = c
End If
FindStart: 'used to loop around on not found
'reset the flags
gfFindFailed = False
gfFromTableView = True
MsgBar "Enter Search Parameters", False
FFindForm.Show MODAL
MsgBar "Searching for record", True
If gfFindFailed = True Then Exit Sub
FNotFound = False
SetHourGlass Me
'search for the record
cGrid.SetFocus 'start at the top
SendKeys "^{Home}"
cGrid.Col = 1
cGrid.Row = 0
'move the right column
While cGrid.Text <> UCase(gstFindField)
If cGrid.Col = cGrid.Cols Then 'reached max col
cGrid.Col = cGrid.Col + 1
SendKeys "{Right}"
End If
cGrid.Row = 1
While cGrid.Row < cGrid.Rows - 1
If gfFindMatch = False Then
Select Case gstFindOp
Case "="
If UCase(cGrid.Text) = UCase(gstFindExpr) Then GoTo AfterWhile
Case "<>"
If UCase(cGrid.Text) <> UCase(gstFindExpr) Then GoTo AfterWhile
Case ">="
If UCase(cGrid.Text) >= UCase(gstFindExpr) Then GoTo AfterWhile
Case "<="
If UCase(cGrid.Text) <= UCase(gstFindExpr) Then GoTo AfterWhile
Case ">"
If UCase(cGrid.Text) > UCase(gstFindExpr) Then GoTo AfterWhile
Case "<"
If UCase(cGrid.Text) < UCase(gstFindExpr) Then GoTo AfterWhile
Case "Like"
If UCase(cGrid.Text) Like UCase(gstFindExpr) Then GoTo AfterWhile
End Select
Select Case gstFindOp
Case "="
If cGrid.Text = gstFindExpr Then GoTo AfterWhile
Case "<>"
If cGrid.Text <> gstFindExpr Then GoTo AfterWhile
Case ">="
If cGrid.Text >= gstFindExpr Then GoTo AfterWhile
Case "<="
If cGrid.Text <= gstFindExpr Then GoTo AfterWhile
Case ">"
If cGrid.Text > gstFindExpr Then GoTo AfterWhile
Case "<"
If cGrid.Text < gstFindExpr Then GoTo AfterWhile
Case "Like"
If cGrid.Text Like gstFindExpr Then GoTo AfterWhile
End Select
End If
cGrid.Row = cGrid.Row + 1
SendKeys "{Down}"
FNotFound = True 'didn't find it
ResetMouse Me
'show the first record
If FNotFound Then
MsgBox "Record Not Found", 48
GoTo FindStart
End If
cGrid.SelStartRow = cGrid.Row
cGrid.SelStartCol = 1
cGrid.SelEndRow = cGrid.Row
cGrid.SelEndCol = FDS.Fields.Count
GoTo FindEnd
ResetMouse Me
Resume FindEnd
MsgBar "", False
End Sub
Sub FirstButton_Click ()
Dim numbrows As Long 'number of rows
On Error GoTo GoFirstError
SetHourGlass Me
MsgBar "Going to first record", True
cGrid.Row = 1
cGrid.Col = 0
'get current starting row in grid
If cGrid.Text <> "1" Then
' Set FDS = gCurrentDB.CreateDynaset(FDS.Name)
Set FDS = gCurrentDB.CreateSnapshot(FDS.Name)
FNumbRows = GetNumbRecsSS(FDS)
If FNumbRows > gwMaxGridRows Then
numbrows = gwMaxGridRows
FCurrentRow = numbrows
numbrows = FNumbRows
End If
If LoadGrid(cGrid, FDS, FDynSt, numbrows, 0) = False Then
Unload Me
Exit Sub
End If
End If
cGrid.Col = 1
SendKeys "{Home}"
GoTo GoFirstEnd
Resume GoFirstEnd
ResetMouse Me
MsgBar "", False
End Sub
Sub Form_Load ()
Dim t As TableDef 'local table structure
Dim sp As Integer 'starting point of table name
Dim ep As Integer 'ending point of table name
Dim wh As String 'where clause
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim fn As String 'field name
Dim rc As Integer 'record count
Dim numbrows As Long 'local number of rows
Dim ss As snapshot
Dim Start1, Finish1, Start2, Finish2
On Error GoTo DynasetErr
SetHourGlass Me
MsgBar "Opening Dynaset", True
'assign the temp string with the select statement
'if it is not empty, otherwise, use the table list name
If gfFromSQL = True Then
If gstDynaString = "" Then
FDynSt = fSQL.cSQLStatement
FDynSt = gstDynaString
End If
FDynSt = fTables.cTableList
End If
'attemp to open the dynaset
Start1 = Timer
If UCase(FDynSt) = "LISTTABLES" Then
Set FDS = gCurrentDB.ListTables()
If gfFromSQL = True And fSQL.cPassThru = 1 Then
' Set FDS = gCurrentDB.CreateDynaset(FDynSt, VBDA_SQLPASSTHROUGH)
Set FDS = gCurrentDB.CreateSnapshot(FDynSt, VBDA_SQLPASSTHROUGH)
' Set FDS = gCurrentDB.CreateDynaset(FDynSt)
Set FDS = gCurrentDB.CreateSnapshot(FDynSt)
End If
End If
Finish1 = Timer
Start2 = Timer
'parse off table name to store in global gstTblName
wh = ""
sp = InStr(1, UCase(FDynSt), "FROM")
If sp > 0 Then
'must be a "select from" statement
sp = sp + 5
For ep = sp To Len(FDynSt)
'search for a space or the end of FDynSt
If Mid$(FDynSt, ep, 1) = " " Then
'get where clause if there is one
wh = Mid$(FDynSt, sp, Len(FDynSt) - sp + 1)
Exit For
End If
FTblName = UCase(Mid$(FDynSt, sp, ep - sp))
If wh = "" Then wh = FTblName
'must be a table name only
FTblName = UCase(FDynSt)
wh = FTblName
End If
FDynaString = wh
'show the first record
FNumbRows = GetNumbRecsSS(FDS) 'query numb of recs
If FNumbRows = -1 Then
'error occurred but go on anyway
'because row count is non-critical
Caption = "SnapShot: " + FTblName
numbrows = gwMaxGridRows
FCurrentRow = numbrows
ElseIf FNumbRows = 0 Then
MsgBox "No Records found!", 48
ResetMouse Me
Unload Me
Exit Sub
ElseIf FNumbRows > gwMaxGridRows Then
Caption = "SnapShot: " + FTblName + " [" + CStr(FNumbRows) + " total rows]"
numbrows = gwMaxGridRows
FCurrentRow = numbrows
numbrows = FNumbRows
Caption = "SnapShot: " + FTblName + " [" + CStr(FNumbRows) + " rows]"
End If
If LoadGrid(cGrid, FDS, FDynSt, numbrows, 0) = False Then
ResetMouse Me
Unload Me
Exit Sub
End If
If numbrows < 50 Then
Height = 3800 + numbrows * 20
Height = 5000
End If
Width = 5450 + SumColwid / 2
'Left = 1000
'Top = 1000
Finish2 = Timer
If VDMDI.PrefShowPerf.Checked Then
MsgBox CStr(FNumbRows) + " rows found in " + CStr(Finish1 - Start1) + " seconds!" + Chr(13) + Chr(10) + CStr(Finish2 - Start2) + " seconds to Load Grid!", 48
End If
GoTo OkayEnd
ResetMouse Me
MsgBar "", False
ResetMouse Me
Unload Me
Exit Sub
Resume OkayEnd
ResetMouse Me
MsgBar "", False
End Sub
Sub Form_Resize ()
On Error Resume Next
'resize grid to window
If WindowState <> 1 Then 'not minimized
cGrid.Height = Height - 900
cGrid.Width = Width - 100
End If
End Sub
Sub Form_Unload (Cancel As Integer)
On Error Resume Next
'unload the find form
Unload FFindForm
'close the associated dynaset
MsgBar "", False
End Sub
Sub MoreButton_Click ()
Dim ret As Integer 'return value from loadgrid
On Error Resume Next
MsgBar "Getting more records", True
If FDS.EOF <> True Then
SetHourGlass Me
ret = LoadGrid(cGrid, FDS, FDynSt, gwMaxGridRows, FCurrentRow)
If ret = False Then
'failed so bail out of form
Unload Me
End If
'set new current row
FCurrentRow = FCurrentRow + ret
ResetMouse Me
End If
MsgBar "", False
End Sub
Sub NextButton_Click ()
Dim c As Integer 'current column
On Error GoTo GoNextError
c = cGrid.Col
cGrid.Col = 0
If cGrid.Text = "" Then
ElseIf cGrid.Row = gwMaxGridRows Then
SendKeys "{Down}"
End If
cGrid.Col = c
GoTo GoNextEnd
Resume GoNextEnd
End Sub
'needed for multi-user situations so
'new records can be viewed imediately
Sub RefreshButton_Click ()
Dim numbrows As Long
On Error GoTo RefreshError
MsgBar "Reopening Dynaset", True
SetHourGlass Me
' Set FDS = gCurrentDB.CreateDynaset(FDS.Name)
Set FDS = gCurrentDB.CreateSnapshot(FDS.Name)
FNumbRows = GetNumbRecsSS(FDS)
If FNumbRows = -1 Then
'error occurred but go on anyway
'because row count is non-critical
Caption = "Dynaset: " + FTblName
numbrows = gwMaxGridRows
FCurrentRow = numbrows
ElseIf FNumbRows = 0 Then
MsgBox "No Records found!", 48
ResetMouse Me
Unload Me
ElseIf FNumbRows > gwMaxGridRows Then
Caption = "Dynaset: " + FTblName + " [" + CStr(FNumbRows) + " total rows]"
numbrows = gwMaxGridRows
FCurrentRow = numbrows
numbrows = FNumbRows
Caption = "Dynaset: " + FTblName + " [" + CStr(FNumbRows) + " rows]"
End If
If LoadGrid(cGrid, FDS, FDynSt, numbrows, 0) = False Then
Unload Me
Exit Sub
End If
GoTo RefreshEnd
Resume RefreshEnd
ResetMouse Me
MsgBar "", False
End Sub
Sub SortButton_Click ()
On Error GoTo SortErr
' Dim ds1 As dynaset, ds2 As dynaset
Dim ds1 As snapshot, ds2 As snapshot
Dim numbrows As Long 'local number of rows
Set ds1 = FDS 'save the dynaset
Dim i As Integer, r As Integer, c As Integer
'On Error GoTo FindErr
'load the column names into the filter form
'the 1st time it is loaded
If fSort.cFieldList.ListCount = 0 Then
r = cGrid.Row
c = cGrid.Col
cGrid.Row = 0
cGrid.Col = 0
For i = 1 To cGrid.Cols - 1
cGrid.Col = cGrid.Col + 1
fSort.cFieldList.AddItem cGrid.Text
cGrid.Row = r
cGrid.Col = c
End If
fSort.Show MODAL
'SortStr = InputBox("Enter Sort Column:")
If SortStr = "" Then Exit Sub
FDS.Sort = SortStr
' Set ds2 = FDS.CreateDynaset() 'establish the Sort
Set ds2 = FDS.CreateSnapshot() 'establish the Sort
Set FDS = ds2 'assign back to original dynaset object
'everything must be okay so redisplay form on 1st record
FNumbRows = GetNumbRecsSS(FDS) 'query numb of recs
If FNumbRows = -1 Then
'error occurred but go on anyway
'because row count is non-critical
Caption = "Dynaset: " + FTblName
numbrows = gwMaxGridRows
FCurrentRow = numbrows
ElseIf FNumbRows = 0 Then
MsgBox "No Records found!", 48
ResetMouse Me
Unload Me
Exit Sub
ElseIf FNumbRows > gwMaxGridRows Then
Caption = "Dynaset: " + FTblName + " [" + CStr(FNumbRows) + " total rows]"
numbrows = gwMaxGridRows
FCurrentRow = numbrows
numbrows = FNumbRows
Caption = "Dynaset: " + FTblName + " [" + CStr(FNumbRows) + " rows]"
End If
If LoadGrid(cGrid, FDS, FDynSt, numbrows, 0) = False Then
Unload Me
Exit Sub
End If
GoTo SortEnd
Set FDS = ds1 're-assign back to original
Resume SortEnd
End Sub